Your June fee reports and supporting documents are now available in your file sharing folders or Syncplicity (as applicable), and payments were released today, 3rd July.
If relevant, the spreadsheet includes a separate tab with the running balance which will show either how your payment this month has been determined, or what you currently owe. If the balance is a negative figure please remit payment within 7 days to the account noted on your tax invoice/RCTI.
Your July reports and payments are expected to be finalised and released on Monday, 5th August 2024.
Select the button below to view the transactions that had action items that weren’t addressed by the end of the month and therefore remain unallocated. If any of these belong to you please attend to the action items by the end of July to ensure their inclusion in the next monthly payment.
As always, please review your reports and RCTI in detail and advise us of any anomalies via email to within 7 days.